“Wrap It Up!” (Group show), Square Pear Fine Art Gallery, Kennet Square, PA, 2023
“A Moment in Time” (Group show), Square Pear Fine Art Gallery, Kennet Square, PA, 2023
“Water’s Edge” (Group show), Square Pear Fine Art Gallery, Kennet Square, PA, 2023
“Flowers Inspire” (Group show), Square Pear Fine Art Gallery, Kennet Square, PA, 2023
“Art against dictatorship” (Group show), The United States Congress (Washington DC), 2009
International group exhibition "DAH-2009", Art Palace, Minsk Belarus 2009
“Art against dictatorship” (Group show), City Hall (Oslo, Norway), 2009
National art show "120 years anniversary of Iazep Drazdovich", Art Palace, Minsk Belarus 2009; Music college art gallery, Maladechna Belarus 2009; Napoleon Orda's Museum, Ivanava Belarus 2009; City art gallery, Lida Belarus 2009; Polack art gallery, Polack Belarus 2009; Literature Museum, Minsk Belarus 2009.
National group art show "Kaliadny Fest", Art Palace, Minsk Belarus 2009
“Art against dictatorship” (Group show), The Fund for American Studies, Washington, D.C.,USA, 2009
“Art against dictatorship” (Group show), Belarusan Museum Brooklyn, NY, USA, 2009
The Art Expo Show (Solo), New York, NY 2009
“Art against dictatorship” (Group show), German Marshall Fund, Washington, D.C.,USA, 2009
3rd Biennial of Russian contemporary painting and sculpture, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, 2008
Expo ART (Solo), Montreal, Canada, 2008
“Art against dictatorship” (Group exhibition), Estonian Parliament, Tallinn, Estonia, 2008
Carpediem Art Gallery (Personal exhibition), Califon, NJ 2008
“90 years of BNR anniversary” (Group exhibition), Belarusan Museum, Brooklyn, NY, spring 2008
The Art Expo Show (Solo), New York, NY 2008
"Flowers Paradise II" (Group exhibition), Belarusan National Library, Minsk, Belarus 2008
Group exhibition, Belarusan Museum, Brooklyn, NY, spring 2007
Three artists show, Seton Hall University, spring 2007
Art Exhibition of “Pagonia” group, The Art Palace (Minsk, Belarus), April 2007
The Art Expo Show (Solo), New York, NY, March 2007
Group Show, the Art Student League of New York, NY, February 2007
Group Show, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, New Jersey, USA), January 2007
“A Winter Show at the Seaport” Group Show, Van der Plas Gallery, (New York, NY, USA), December 2006
Group Show, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, New Jersey, USA), December 2006
“Line and Movement” Group Show, Lana Santorelli Gallery, (New York, NY, USA), November 2006
Personal exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, New Jersey, USA), November 2006
“Late Summer Nudes” Group Show, Jade Nectar Gallery (Southampton, NY, USA) September 2006
International Exhibition, Group Show, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, New Jersey, USA), September 2006
“Mystical City” Group Show, Van der Plas Gallery, (New York, NY, USA), August 2006
“My Inspiration” Personal exhibition, Ridgewood Public Library (Ridgewood, NJ, USA) June 2006
“Drawing” Group Show, Gallery 402 (New York, NY, USA) June 2006
“Fresh Air” Group Show, Nectar Gallery (Southampton, NY, USA)
May-June 2006
“III Biennial of Contemporary Russian Painting and Sculpture”, International Stella Gallery (Paris, France), May-June 2006
“III Biennial of Contemporary Russian Painting and Sculpture” Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, New Jersey, USA), April-May 2006
“Thesis projects” Group Show Belarusian National Palace of Art (Minsk, Belarus) summer 2004
“Iazep Drazdovich: a Dedication” Group Show (Minsk, Bel